Although I pick up my share on Tuesdays, some of the other shareholders pick up on Saturdays. As a result, the farmers at Nichols Farm send out an email with details about what will likely appear in the share the Friday before my pickup.
The three-day wait gives me plenty of time to get excited about the box’s contents. So, when the Week 19 email indicated the share would contain watermelon radishes, I immediately knew I wanted to use them in a recipe I saw when brainstorming what to prepare with the Week 18 items.
Then I received the box. As I was putting it away, I couldn’t hide my disappointment as I sorted through the vegetables and didn't find any radishes. Little did I know that the three round globes I thought were turnips actually were radishes. A quick Google search of what a watermelon radish looks like set me straight, and I was able to make the recipe for radishes and burrata, which tasted amazing—the salty cheese, the olive oil, and the tangy lemon and chives were a great combination.
Watermelon radishes, both fresh out of the box and sliced.
I also received celeriac, German butterball potatoes, kale, Vidalia-type onions, purple cauliflower, Romanesco, carrots, mustard greens, kale, and, much to my delight, a pie pumpkin.
Other than the confusion about the radishes, I’m afraid this week’s blog might be a little boring. I used the celery root, carrots, onions, and most of the potatoes in one dish—pot roast, accompanied by wilted greens.
I roasted the Romanesco and purple cauliflower, tossing it halfway through the cooking time with a mustard dressing. It, the radishes and burrata, and roasted salmon with herbs were a delicious dinner.
Next week, there will be a pumpkin dessert (and hopefully pumpkin bread as well), made with fresh pumpkin puree. My first experience with a pie pumpkin was two years ago as a result of my CSA. And that pumpkin made the best pumpkin pie I have ever tasted.